Unveiling the Dynamics: Nurturing High and Low Performers in the World of Competitive Esports

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In the dynamic and fiercely competitive realm of esports, achieving success transcends individual prowess; it hinges upon the collective synergy of a team. Just as in traditional sports, esports teams comprise players with diverse levels of performance. Understanding the nuances between high achievers/performers and low achievers/performers in esports, and adeptly navigating these disparities, forms the bedrock of effective coaching strategies. Let’s embark on an in-depth exploration of these differences and delve into comprehensive strategies for coaches to effectively manage and cultivate both types of players in the context of Valorant, thereby fostering optimal team performance and cohesion.

The High Achievers/Performers:

1. Consistency: High achievers consistently deliver stellar performances, serving as the bedrock of reliability within the team. They exhibit unwavering focus and composure, even amidst the most intense pressure, thereby solidifying their status as invaluable assets to the team.

Example: Players like TenZ from Sentinels consistently display exceptional mechanical skill and game sense, contributing crucial frags and game-changing plays that elevate their team’s performance. Thanks to multiple hours spent ingame.

2. Adaptability: These players possess an innate ability to seamlessly adapt to evolving strategies, patches, or meta changes within the game. Endowed with an encyclopedic understanding of the game’s mechanics, high achievers adeptly wield this knowledge to pivot dynamically during matches, often leaving opponents bewildered in their wake.

Example: As the meta shifts in Valorant, players like Enzo from Liquid demonstrate versatility by mastering multiple agents and adapting their playstyle to suit the team’s needs.

3. Leadership Qualities: High achievers often emerge as natural leaders within the team, epitomizing effective communication, strategic acumen, and unwavering teamwork. They inspire unwavering confidence in their teammates, adeptly rallying them during moments of adversity and serving as beacons of inspiration during pivotal junctures of the game.

Example: In Valorant, players like Boaster from Fnatic exhibit strong leadership qualities, guiding their team through decisive calls and strategic rotations that secure crucial victories.

4. Growth Mindset: Embracing setbacks as springboards for growth, high achievers embody a relentless pursuit of self-improvement and team enhancement. They fervently seek avenues to refine their skills, fervently embracing challenges as opportunities for personal and collective advancement.

Example: Valorant teams like Fnatic consistently engage in post-match analysis and reflection sessions, identifying areas for improvement and implementing targeted practice routines to enhance their gameplay.

The Low Achievers/Performers:

1. Inconsistency: Low achievers grapple with the specter of inconsistency, their performances often failing to mirror their true potential. Their gameplay is characterized by fluctuations, which can engender a sense of uncertainty within the team dynamic.

Example: Some players in Valorant may struggle to maintain consistent impact throughout matches, experiencing fluctuations in their fragging power or decision-making under pressure.

2. Resistance to Change: These players exhibit a pronounced reluctance towards embracing new strategies or meta shifts, often tethered to outdated approaches or failing to grasp fundamental shifts in the game’s dynamics. Consequently, they find themselves entrenched in a cycle of stagnation.

Example: In Valorant, players may resist adapting to new agent compositions or map strategies, clinging to familiar tactics even when they become less effective in the current meta.

3. Communication Issues: Low achievers frequently grapple with communication deficits during matches, culminating in misunderstandings or misplays that impede team coordination. Their inability to articulate crucial information may hinder the team’s collective efficacy and strategic execution.

Example: Some players in Valorant may struggle to effectively communicate enemy positions or relay critical information to their teammates, leading to missed opportunities and suboptimal decision-making.

4. Fixed Mindset: Instead of viewing setbacks as fertile ground for growth, low achievers are besieged by a fixed mindset, wherein failures serve as debilitating roadblocks rather than stepping stones towards improvement. This defeatist mentality undermines both individual progression and the team’s collective aspirations.

Example: After losses in Valorant, some players may blame external factors or teammates for the defeat rather than reflecting on their own performance and seeking areas for improvement.

Age as an Influencing Factor:

Age can significantly impact players’ performance and mindset in esports. Younger players may possess a natural aptitude for gaming, with quicker reflexes and adaptability to new game mechanics. They may exhibit a fearless approach to experimentation and innovation, often embracing new strategies with enthusiasm. However, younger players may also struggle with maturity and emotional regulation, leading to impulsive decision-making or difficulty coping with pressure.

On the other hand, older players may bring invaluable experience and wisdom to the team. They may excel in strategic planning, leadership, and communication, drawing upon years of gaming experience to guide their teammates effectively. However, older players may also face challenges in keeping up with the reflexes and mechanics of younger competitors, requiring additional effort to maintain peak performance.

Strategies for Coaches:

1. Performance Analysis and Feedback: Regularly review gameplay footage with players, providing constructive feedback on areas for improvement and highlighting strengths to reinforce positive behavior.

Example: After each match, sit down with players individually to discuss their performance, pinpointing specific instances where improvements can be made and acknowledging successful plays.

2. Individualized Practice Routines: Tailor practice sessions to address specific weaknesses or areas of growth for each player, focusing on drills and exercises designed to enhance their skillset.

Example: If a player struggles with aim, incorporate aim training exercises into their practice routine, allocating extra time for improvement in that area.

3. Team-building Exercises: Foster a supportive team environment through team-building exercises, encouraging open communication and collaboration to improve synergy and cohesion.

Example: Organize team-building activities outside of gaming, such as group outings or team dinners, to strengthen bonds and promote camaraderie among players.

4. Mentorship and Support: Provide mentorship and support to low achievers, pairing them with high achievers for guidance and encouragement, and offering resources for personal development and mental well-being.

Example: Establish mentorship programs within the team, where high-performing players mentor and support low-performing players, offering guidance and assistance as needed.


At Union Atta, we strive to enable all high and low performers so that they can enjoy their time with Valorant and reach their goals within the game. It’s important to recognize that there’s no shame in being either a high or low performer; every human is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution that will work for everyone. Coaches should approach each player with empathy and understanding, tailoring their strategies to suit individual needs and circumstances. By embracing the unique strengths and challenges of each player, coaches can foster an environment of inclusivity, growth, and collective success within the team.

By adeptly leveraging these strategies, coaches can embark on a transformative journey towards nurturing high achievers and empowering low achievers within the team fold. This multifaceted approach, underscored by empathy, strategic acumen, and unwavering commitment, lays the foundation for sustained success and collective triumph in the exhilarating landscape of competitive Valorant esports. Through fostering an ethos of continuous growth, collaboration, and mutual respect, coaches can steer their teams towards the zenith of achievement, transcending the boundaries of individual excellence to forge a legacy of collective greatness in the annals of esports history.

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